Lewis and Clark Journal Summary 7
Lewis and Clark Picture
Lewis and Clark Journal Summary 7
Dates: June 16, 1805 - August 12, 1805


This article provides a summary of interesting facts about their historic journey taken from the Journals of Lewis and Clark dates June 16, 1805 - August 12, 1805.

Lewis and cClark Expedition: Jounal Dates June 16, 1805 - August 12, 1805

Lewis and Clark Journal Summary 7 Dates: June 16, 1805 - August 12, 1805

Lewis and Clark Journal Summary 7: Dates June 16, 1805 - August 12, 1805
The following is a summary of the journal entries made by Lewis and Clark. Dates: June 16, 1805 - August 12, 1805

Around the Falls and into Shoshone Territory

June 16, 1805
Lewis and Clark decided that the canoes would need to be carried past the rapids, so Clark set off with a small party of men to find a suitable route. Lewis tasked some of the men with making four sets of truck wheels with couplings and bodies to help in transporting the canoes and equipment.

June 18, 1805
The remaining pirogue was removed from the water and securely fastened before being covered in bushes and driftwood to protect it from the sun. Another cache was dug where more equipment would be left.

June 20, 1805
Clark returned in the evening with his survey of the falls and the route they should follow.

While moving the canoes and equipment across the land they hoisted sails on the canoes which sailed them along on the wheels they had constructed.

During July they made additional canoes, giving them 8 in total, and set off toward the Rocky Mountains. After a few days, Sacagawea told Lewis and Clark that she recognized the country and assured them that her relations lived a little further on by the river.

July 25, 1805
Lewis and Clark reached a point where the river divided into three. After some exploration of the three rivers, they named them Jefferson’s river, in honor of the president, Madison’s river after James Madison, and Gallitin’s river after Albert Gallitin. On 30th July Lewis and Clark resumed their journey by making their way along Jefferson’s river.

August 7, 1805
Lewis and Clark decided to leave one of the canoes, as their supplies were low enough to progress without it.

August 8, 1805
Sacagawea recognized a hill that her nation knew as ‘Beaver’s Head’, and said that her people would be found not too far away. Lewis and a small party set off on foot to make their way to the Columbia River and then to follow the river until they found the Indians.

Lewis and Clark had realized that they would need horses to help transport their stores if they were to successfully cross the Rocky Mountains. They would only be able to gain the necessary horses by trading with the Indians.

August 11, 1805
Lewis spotted a Shoshone Indian on horseback. The Indian and Lewis moved slowly towards each other, but when Lewis was within 100 paces of him, the Indian rode off.

August 12, 1805
Lewis came upon the waters of the Columbia River.

Throughout the expedition, Lewis & Clark had spent a considerable amount of time walking, sometimes together and sometimes taking turns. At this time, Clark was with the boats while Lewis had walked on ahead. The men had to haul the canoes over rapids on many occasions during the journey and found it hard going.


Next Journal Summary

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Lewis and Clark Journal Summary 7 - Dates: June 16, 1805 - August 12, 1805

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