Lewis and Clark Journal Summary 3
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Lewis and Clark Journal Summary 3
Dates: August 30, 1804 - September 30,1804


This article provides a summary of interesting facts about their historic journey taken from the Journals of Lewis and Clark dates August 30, 1804 - September 30,1804.

Lewis and cClark Expedition: Jounal Dates August 30, 1804 - September 30,1804

Lewis and Clark Journal Summary 3 Dates: August 30, 1804 - September 30,1804

Lewis and Clark Journal Summary 3: Dates August 30, 1804 - September 30,1804
The following is a summary of the journal entries made by Lewis and Clark. Dates: August 30, 1804 - September 30,1804

Problems With the Teton Sioux

September 24, 1804
The Lewis & Clark Expedition came upon another division of the Sioux, the Teton Sioux. Clark went ashore and met with a Chief called Buffalo Medicine. They spoke of a horse that the Sioux had stolen from the expedition, but the Chief said he knew nothing about it. Clark said he would call the grand Chiefs to Council the next day.

September 25, 1804
Three Chiefs, Black Buffalo, Bad Fellow and Buffalo Medicine, came aboard. The Indians were curious to start with, but soon became raucous and began causing trouble. They went ashore and Bad Fellow became insulting and stated that Lewis and Clark had not given them enough gifts. The situation led to both groups drawing their weapons. Clark tried to diffuse the situation and eventually turned and headed back to the boats. Black Buffalo, Buffalo Medicine and two warriors waded into the river and asked to go aboard, which they were allowed to do.

September 26, 1804
The expedition had set off early, however they pulled over and anchored, by a bank that was lined with Indians, as the Chiefs had asked if the women and children could look at the boat. The mood appeared to have changed as the Chiefs seemed keen to set aside their earlier confrontation and be friendly. That evening Lewis and Clark were guests of the Indians as they smoked a pipe of peace and ate with them. The meal finished with music and dancing performed by the Indians.

The same thing happened the following night and during the day the Indian Chiefs continued to board the boat. They also continued to press for gifts. It soon became apparent that these were all tactics to stop the expedition from progressing. Eventually the Indians left the boat and the expedition carried on.


Next Journal Summary

Lewis and Clark journal summary for kids. Dates: August 30, 1804 - September 30,1804
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  • The Journals of Lewis and Clark. Dates: August 30, 1804 - September 30,1804
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Lewis and Clark Journal Summary 3 - Dates: August 30, 1804 - September 30,1804

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